Thursday, August 26, 2010

Perfecting the Fine Art of Child-Herding

These first few days are hilarious in the amount of reminders that are needed, pretty much continually.  It is a lot to take in the first few days for the kids, but I know that they will learn the routines and systems of the classroom in no time at all.  Lots of fun seeing personalities come out, who is taking initiative, who is testing the waters, etc.  You can see a noticeable shift of energy in the afternoon around what used to be nap-time...the kids are feeling the long day, for sure!  I am happy to be in it, though, as the teacher prep/meeting time before school is more tedious for me and not as much fun as with the kids :) 
I am adjusting to the behavior management systems that the teacher uses and learning her expectations of the kids and the routines just as they are.  I am still on the fence about the stop light system...I would be interested to see if anyone is in a K class that doesn't use a "management" system and how alternatives work in the class.  I just find it to be a lot of energy and effort on part of the teacher in maintaining it and it doesn't feel like a system that build cooperation and understanding as a community.  I am interested to see how it plays out during the year...

Welcome Board Pic

"All Aboard for a Fantastic New School Year!"

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School Tomorrow!

I am excited for tomorrow and to get to the good stuff, so to speak.  We will have a fun class this year with a wide range of kids and skills.  It was great to be able to meet with each family/child individually for profiles and to establish a relationship off the start.  We have a lot of kids who are ready ready ready for school to start!  Although almost half of our class just turned 5 this summer, I don't think we will have sad faces on the first day-they are all too excited to get going. 
Also, they are still trying to hire Kindy T.As at my school (they need two more) if anyone you know wants a part time job with ASD.

As far as my internship goes so far, I am really happy to be with the teacher I am placed with.  She is super organized and has been teaching for a long time...already with her MAT she is going now for her Principal credentials.  I am trying to collect as many samples/pictures/ideas from her as possible...she has stuff in all the nooks and crannies of the room!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kindergarten Profile Week!

Well it feels good to finally be getting to the nitty gritty of it all and meeting the kids and their families!  I really enjoyed the teacher prep days and have a ever-growing stash of papers and materials well started.  As my mentor is doing her principal internship as well I was able to sit in on some interviews as they are trying to find (last minute!) a 5th grade teacher and it was helpful to be "on the other side" so to speak, behind the scenes.  So far I have remembered half of the new names of staff (of course, sure to get the office staff and support staff right away:)  Our open house on monday night was successful, with almost twenty families coming for the K rooms combined.  According to the teachers, this is a better turnout by far than the previous years, so we will hope that marks a year of strong parent involvement!  Interestingly enough, one of the dads was a friend of mine from college in Arizona that I hadn't even know was here in Anchorage...small world!

K profiles started today and it was interesting to see how that process works.  It still feels stiff to me to do testing on the first real meeting, and the less outgoing children had a hard time with it.  I was able to do the testing for one of the children and that worked well while the teacher spoke with the parent.  I know it gives a good idea of where the children are at, and is a chance for the teacher to be one-on-one without the rest of the class, but I can't help but thinking that testing and assessment is not the most welcoming activity for a first meeting.  My teacher was awesome at them and made the kids as comfortable and easy going as Dibels can be, but how easy going is it when there is a timer involved?